Welcome to Viking Tutors

A place for all South Brunswick students to access personalized studying material

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We fact check all material in order to ensure that our videos will help you succeed in the classroom.


Our videos are designed by South Brunswick teachers and students so that they are relevant to your curriculum.


Our videos can be found easily through the navigation bar or search bar. If anything feels out of place, please let us know at support@vikingtutors.org.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get hours?

You can get hours in multiple ways:
- Creating your own video on a certain topic from our topic checklist. The video must go over the topic clearly and should have practice examples for better student understanding. 1 in-depth video equates to one in-school hour.
- Asking teachers for existing videos and then emailing them to our email. 2 in-depth videos from a teacher equates to one in-school hour.
- Asking teachers for slideshows and then sending it to our email. 2 detailed slideshows from a teacher equates to one in-school hour.

How do I record videos?

We recommend downloading an app where you can write and/or draw to explain a certain concept. Feel free to take a video of yourself teaching problems on a whiteboard or paper, or screenshare your work.

Can we make a video of a topic where there is already another video?

Of course. If you’re going to do this make sure that your video explains a method in a different way than the existing video. You should also use different examples to teach harder problems to the audience.

Can we partner with someone to make a video?

Yes. You can partner with a friend to record a video. Both of you will receive 1 in-school hour each for 1 video.

Will you be checking all the videos?

Yes. We will be personally checking all videos so make sure nothing inappropriate is mentioned/shown, and make sure you know exactly what you’re talking about. If you are making a video on something the Viking tutors team is not the most knowledgeable about, it will be fact checked by a teacher in that department. If there are minor mistakes, we will request you to write them down under the video description.